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Why do it now?

It's an Investment

At the end of the day, switching to solar is a long-term investment, not a cost.

A greater investment today will bring better returns in the future. 

Favourable regulations

The Swedish Government's Green Deduction applied to solar installations increased from 15% to 20% in 2023.

You'll also get a tax deduction for the energy you produce, making this the most attractive time to make the change.

Increased home value

Having solar panels in your home will increase its value.

That's an important aspect to bear in mind, whether you're planning on selling or not.

You are investing in your home and you'll get that money back (and more) in the future.

Minimal Disruption and Maintenance

If you are concerned about the solar panels in your house breaking down or being noisy, don't be!

Solar panels last for more than 20 years with very little maintenance and the whole system makes less noise than your new fridge!

Sunset on Solar Panels

How it works

Absorb the power of the Sun

It would be great if you could charge your smartphone just by putting it out in the Sun, right?

While this is not (yet) possible, we now have a way of doing the next best thing, and it's not much more complicated!

Solar panels are built to capture the power of the Sun that hits your roof every day, come rain or shine!

Transform it into electricity

This energy is then sent to a device called an inverter, which transforms (inverts) that energy into electricity.

It's a bit like having your own private power station on your roof.

Power your home

You can then use this electricity to power your home and devices.

And if you produce more energy than you use, you can even sell it back to the grid!

Your Project

Planning & Timeline

After we have agreed on the project you want, we'll give you a realistic timeline.
The first step is to arrange a date at your convenience to visit your premises and install the necessary safety measures.


We first install the mounting system, which are basically rails attached to the roof on which the panels will be fixed. Then comes the cabling and we finish with the solar panels and inverter. 
As simple as that!

Solar Panels


After having installed the solar system, we clear the site and you'll be ready to start producing your own electricity!


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